City of Peoria Launches Housing Rehabilitation Program

8/25/2022 2:41 PM

The purpose of the 2022 Housing Rehabilitation Program is to increase the owner-occupancy rate within the census tract, improve the outward appearance of homes, and increase property values.

To qualify for assistance, the homeowner must be located within a QCT and the total household income must be at or below 120% of the area median income by household size. Applicants must have homeowner’s insurance, be current on their property taxes, cannot owe any fees or fines to the City of Peoria, and cannot have any environmental code violations.

To determine if your home is in a QCT, please visit and select “Qualifying Census Tracts” from the dropdown menu under “Neighborhoods” on the toolbar at the top of the page.


To view income qualification requirements, please visit the “Grants Management” section on the Community Development page at Go to the section titled “Applications & Forms”.  Alternatively, you can click on this link to apply:

Applications, along with a brief training recording, are available at the above link.  Applications will be accepted and reviewed until the funds are exhausted.


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