By John Perry
All of us at some point will be in the real estate market buying or selling a home. Whether it’s a single-family house, a condo, or an apartment flat, we have to live somewhere and it’s not free. So how do you get your home seen by the people who are in the market to buy? We’ve asked the folks in the PAAR Marketing Department here in Peoria, IL what they’ve tried over the 36 years of listing for people in the Peoria area and this is what we’ve discovered.

The MLS (Multiple Listing Service) has been the number one means of advertising a home since the late 1800’s and is still used by every licensed REALTOR® today. In the digital age that we live in, the means for reaching the public through the MLS has expanded greatly since then to not only include the printed publication, but now utilize social media and website listings as well. According to findings from Temple University consumer neuroscience researchers, there are great benefits to listing in your local MLS publication as magazine advertising has longer review time, higher emotional engagement and stimulation, desirability connection, and retention rate than digital ads. Larger ads stand out beyond any standard listing and are often much less expensive than one may think as ¼ page ads can be purchased for less than $150.00 per month and seen by thousands of people who are directly interested in real estate property. Scanova showed us how QR Codes are performingand we discussed who is using them in our previous article. Through the use of QR Codes, your brief and richly designed property advertisement can also be linked to a fully digital ad which is where a more complete description and additional images can be viewed. As magazines are the primary source for printed ads, postcards and flyers also have proven to be responsive when tracking with QR Codes. Eleven million people scanned QR Codes last year and the numbers are growing every year. There is a greater emotional drive from the printed advertisement that will be the key assist in driving the sale through the information in the digital ad MAKING PRINT A MUST.

As the printed advertisement of your property listing captures emotion, desire, and memory retention of the property, digital advertisements are what takes that connection and converts it into a sale. The amount of information available on the internet about a property is quite limitless. As this is immensely beneficial to prospective home buyers who are ready to purchase, it is also the exact reason the digital ad only outperforms other ads through the combined efforts of the printed ad. In a sea of sameness and repetition, the perfect home is likely to slip through the sight of people who only view online. A great way to utilize digital advertising is through the use of means that print cannot offer such as videos, slide shows, and interactive Virtual tours. Anything that allows the viewer to play and be impressed will keep them longer on your listing, and if they’re looking at yours, they aren’t looking at anyone else’s. It’s quite easy to gain analytics and view reports from a digital ad as well. With social media reporting, google analytics, and many other means of reports available to not only developers but anyone who knows how to translate the information, your listing views can be tracked and improved upon through tracking campaigns built into your marketing.

Knowing where to advertise and tracking the results are really only half of a good marketing campaign. When the content that prospective homebuyers are viewing is well thought out and attentively put together, your ad views increase. Great content is something that is compelling enough to make a person want to spend time with it and feel like they get value from it. That value may be appreciation of a beautiful home, the interaction of a virtual tour, the detailed information provided, or simply the ease of use through proper user experience and interaction design (UX/UI). When shooting images of your property, it is going to be more desirable with high resolution images shot at creative angles. Every home you’ll see will have a front curb shot, so why should someone look at your listing? Is there something special that you’ve overlooked about your property or something that you’ve forgotten just how much you loved when you first moved in? Ask a friend or family member to help with an outside perspective of the property and leave out as much of the street, sidewalk, and neighbors house as you can. Make your listing an image-showcase for why they have to know more and now. The image should have a clear purpose and the less words and larger your image is the more attention it will grab. Don’t think of the ad but think of the visual story your image tells. Is your property well-kept? Do you have an especially attractive landscaping angle? Is there trash and bare spots in the yard? All of these questions come along with a story that lead up to the answers. Believe that your property is being judged by every single person whose attention it grabbed from the photographer, the REALTOR® and your neighbors all the way to the end of the line where your prospective homebuyers make the decision to look or move on. Make the reason their attention was drawn in a good reason. Have beautiful images taken (inside and outside), make your story a well thought out effort driven to produce viewers, and deliver it directly to the people who are looking for it rather than making them look for it. BE SEEN.
Millennials are scanning QR codes and loving it! As they are driving the changes in today’s world, Jason Wagenheim, the publisher of Vogue, says that 42% of millennials are scanning codes inside the magazine creating an increase of QR use in only 18 months!
If you are going to capture the younger market, you need to be creative with the content you offer. Do you have a 3D floorplan of your listed property? LINK IT. How about a nicely shot aerial video? LINK IT. Anything interactive is perfect for QR Code Linking if you’re looking to target those who are 23-38.
“QR Codes are stronger than ever with multi-generational use.”
Optimizing print and mobile with QR codes is the best way to combine media and actively engage customers. Given the simplified use of QR codes, it is time for print service users to look at print/mobile-optimized marketing campaigns in order to help marketers blend traditional and digital media.
Qr codes, digital ad, real estate, print advertisement, print mobile, property, qr, listing, digital, codes, ad, marketing
QR Codesdigital adreal estateprint advertisementprint mobilepropertyqrlistingcodesadmarketing